Where Words Create Worlds

These stories are fictional but contain many truths within them.

We encourage the love of words here with new stories, book reviews,  and writing tips.

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“To find your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.”

– Allen Ginsberg

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Quote of the Week

“To find your own voice, you have to forget about having it heard.” - Allen Ginsberg

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A Lunarist Poem

A Lunarist Poem

Mayhene was second, but first to guide Taking the form of two moons, one face Roaming the skies with a heavy stride Leading to true love, once they gave chase Others tears at the end of the ride But none were important as the race   Mayhene taught to go travel...

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The Setup – Two

The Setup – Two

...   The best pranks took a lot of setup, very little action time, and were extremely satisfying. It was easy to go too far when you had a devilish mind. But could it be called going too far when it hurt no one? Despite the fact that the prank had encompassed...

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“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.”

– Carl Sagan

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Quote of the Week

“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.” - Carl Sagan

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The Setup – One

The Setup – One

It had been a long time since Erroll had bedding in Elridge. His tiny house atop others atop staggering cliffs had a breathtaking view of city, walls, and plains. Of course, all the buildings in Luftt District were built with that view in mind. But Erroll had grander...

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The Sharp Edge of Love

The Sharp Edge of Love

Things were not going Elyse’s way. Being rejected from the university brought thoughts of simmering revenge and a bit of panic. They had called her impatient and irrational. It was preposterous. Elyse didn’t cope well when things changed her plans. But she reined in...

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“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.”

– Terry Pratchett

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Quote of the Week

“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.” - Terry Pratchett

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A Taste of the City

A Taste of the City

It was a small group for Norman Trunast’s taste, but that did mean he would be able to give a more personal tour. Large groups brought a sea of personalities that usually bashed into one another. It was always a challenge to find the parts of the city that would...

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“Books break the shackles of time – proof that humans can work magic.”

– Carl Sagan

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Quote of the Week

“Books break the shackles of time - proof that humans can work magic.” - Carl Sagan

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