Write Your Own

I don’t know everything but I plan on sharing what knowledge I obtain, and you can find those posts here. There are informational posts that teach you the common terminology, give writers tips, and then I show you my tricks.
Writing Changing Readers

Writing Changing Readers

Becoming a writer changes you. This is a warning and preparation. Picky Reading I have noticed that the more I study and learn about sentence structure, plot, and gimmicks I analyze the books I read more. That is to be expected, but I am finding I do not enjoy some of...

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Avoiding Overwhelming Advice

Avoiding Overwhelming Advice

The Situation   So you decide that you want to be a writer. You practice a little bit and find you enjoy it. You start to come up with grand ideas but aren’t sure where to start on a large project. So you learn. You read articles, listen to podcasts, and talk to...

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The Art of Fight Scenes

The Art of Fight Scenes

Battles, fights, and conflict, in general, are great ways to reach a climax, throw an additional wrench in characters’ plans, or simply keep the pace of the plot fast and interesting. But for writers who spend most of their day in an office, war is not familiar. Most...

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When Creating Characters

When Creating Characters

People are complicated. People are always deeper than we know and have hidden fears and hopes. Sometimes people reflect the way they dress and look, and sometimes they have conflicting personalities. There are so many types of people in the world with different...

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I’ve talked a little about endings and beginnings, but what about what goes between? And I don’t mean the climaxes, although those are important too. But how does one write what is between even those? I’m talking about the transition scenes. Also called the boring...

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Discovery Writers VS Outline Writers

Discovery Writers VS Outline Writers

Some people also call these planners versus pansters, because they fly by the seat of their pants. Architects versus builders who don’t read the directions before putting together a table. And while there are different societies that look down on one or the other,...

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Where to Begin

Where to Begin

I talked about endings a previous week because you have to know where you're going before you can begin your journey. The start of a story is one of your biggest selling points. It contains the promises for the rest of the story and sets the scene. Most of this advice...

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When Writing Romance

When Writing Romance

There are romantic novels and then there are romance novels. And they are different things. Romance novels are focused on love. The plot itself is the romance and anything else that goes on is a bonus. Romance is a genre unto itself. It is the opposite in romantic...

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The end of a story is what will determine whether or not the reader reads the next book. It is the final scene that influences their thoughts on the story as a whole, and a person’s most recent memories are more powerful than distant ones. Good stories that let down...

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