Write Your Own

I don’t know everything but I plan on sharing what knowledge I obtain, and you can find those posts here. There are informational posts that teach you the common terminology, give writers tips, and then I show you my tricks.
The Writing Style of Flash Fiction

The Writing Style of Flash Fiction

Some books are long and others are filled with pictures. You rhyme in poems and collect many books to complete a series. Just as there are different genres of writing, there are different ways in which to set up those words.   Flash fiction is as it suggests, a...

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The Genre of Horror

The Genre of Horror

It's never what you expect. That phrase not only defines most of horror’s plot lines, but it is also a good description of writing horror. There is a bit more to it than simply put everyone’s worst fears in a book. There is an artistry to the madness that draws you in...

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The Genre of Science Fiction

The Genre of Science Fiction

Science fiction is an interesting genre to define. Today sci-fi, along with horror and fantasy, is in the what-if family of fiction. These stories stress what is possible and sometimes flaunt it outright. They push your imagination and expand your mind. In a way, that...

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The Genre of Children’s Literature

The Genre of Children’s Literature

It should first be mentioned that in the publishing world, by definition, children’s literature does not solely consist of picture books. Children’s literature contains all of the books which are targeted at people younger than eighteen. So you would categorize...

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Plot Twists

Plot Twists

Action keeps your attention and plot drives the story. Plot twists are both and more. Good surprises can really delight your readers. It is more fun to write unexpected endings as well since you start to giggle at this or that and wonder if the reader will understand...

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Chiasmus Poetry

Chiasmus Poetry

I thought I’d take a side journey from story writing and talk a little bit about poetry. I’m not a big fan of poetry mostly because of how difficult it can be to understand it the first time around. You have to really spend some time re-reading all the verses to see...

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Writing Cliches

Writing Cliches

A cliché is an idea that has been used so often it becomes boring, aggravating, or hilarious to see. Ideas that were once ‘showstoppers’ were repeated by ‘wannabees’ so often that nobody ‘blinks an eye’ at them anymore. They instead ‘roll their eyes’. This can include...

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Writing Axioms

Writing Axioms

An axiom is basically a statement that is accepted to be true within a society. As people discover what works best in writing, they make up little sayings to help remember them. There are many axioms and some are more accurate than others. I collected the ten most...

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Tone, Style, and Voice

Tone, Style, and Voice

How do you define your own work from another’s? Can you determine your favorite author’s handiwork versus an unknown writer just from reading their words? You definitely can. Everybody has their own style and that shows in writing as well. More specifically, this has...

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